We are pleased to announce that we have obtained the Class I Decoration Construction Certificate. Thank you so much for your help to make this achievement possible - you, our partners and our staff.
HEY Corp. started as a very small construction company 4 years ago and has grown to become an active player in workplace fitting-out design and construction industrial in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. On this moment, we think it is good to reflect on what made us successful and set out the strategy going forward. I credit our success to several factors:
1. 一个好的公司必须有正确的价值观。自2017年公司成立伊始,我们就确立了我们的价值观为:正道经营、专心专业、协同发展、为客户创造价值。
A good company must have correct business values. Since the founding of our business in 2017, we have set up our values as: Ethics, Commitment &Professionalism, Common Development, Value Creating.
2. 好的愿景需要好的人员来实现。我们的专业员工通过紧密合作来分享经验、信息和技术,从而推动我们的业务顺利进行。
You can have a good vision, but you need good people to realize it. We have professional people for our business and the team works closely together - sharing experience, information and technology.
3. 我们不自满,我们努力工作,不断改进我们的运营,学习新的技能,使自己的专业工作更有效率。当我们在一个项目上取得成功时,我们就不会固步自封,而是在下一个项目继续努力。
We are not complacent. We work hard, we keep improving our operation and learn new skills to make ourselves more efficient. When we succeed in one project, we do not rest on our laurels but move on to the next one.
4. 我们有长远的计划,并且愿意承担长期的、有挑战的工作。我们有一起展望未来的员工。
We plan for the long term and are willing to take on long gestation with potential. We have employees who see a long-term future with us.
5. 找到可靠的合作伙伴,并且公平、诚实、尊重地对待他们。我们与他们建立了密切、互信的关系。我们一向都能合理及时地向他们付款。我们帮助我们的供应商和分包商在技术、沟通和财务方面与我们共同发展。
We find good and reliable partners, treat them fairly, honestly and with respect and develop a close and trusting relationship with them. We pay them reasonably and timely always. We help our suppliers and sub-contractors to develop with us together in skills, communication and finance.
What should we do going forward? How do we ensure that we will continue to succeed and be an even more successful company 5 years from now? I think we have to continue doing all the things mentioned above in addition to the following:
1. 我们必须确保整个公司在质量和安全方面有统一的高标准。
We must ensure uniform high standards throughout the Company in quality and safety.
2. 技术正在迅速改变世界。为了继续做好工作,我们必须采用更多的新技术,以提高工作效率。
Technology is rapidly changing the world. To continue to do well, we have to adopt new technologies to work more efficiently.
3. 我们必须以有竞争力的价格交付高质量的工程。我们必须对每一个与我们打交道的人诚实公正。我们的成功必须由员工和社会共同分享。
We must deliver quality projects at fair prices. We must be honorable and fair to everyone we deal with and treat them with respect. Our success must be shared by employees and the society.
4. 随着我们的发展壮大,我们需要更多的技能来管理我们的项目。我们将加大对员工的培训力度,并从公司外部寻找更多人才。
As we grow bigger, we need greater skill sets to manage our projects. We will put more effort into training our staff and also look for talent from outside the Company.
Construction is one of the biggest businesses in China, and China still has huge growth potential. Many companies will continue developing in the next 10 years, requesting more and better workplace. Given the base and the people we have, if we continue to work hard, we have a good chance to be an even bigger company in the next 5 years. But only building the bigger company has never been our ambition. Our wish is to build a Great Company that commands tremendous respect from society for the quality of its projects and become the leader in workplace fitting-out industry. A Company with many outstanding people, people with vision, integrity, great character, a good heart and ideals.
Obtaining Class 1 Certificate is only the beginning, and our clients are always THE ONE.
We believe tomorrow will be better.